Wednesday 12 May 2010

from 'New Labour' to 'New Tory'

So our prediction was right : a vote for the Lib Dems was a vote for a Conservative government. We wait to see how much of the Lib Dem programme will get lost on the way, and whether we will get any kind of chance for voting reform. The Greens argue for Additional Member System of voting as preferable to Proportional Representation or the others (AV, STV).

Is this in fact the beginning of the end for the Liberal Democrat party, as their key players are absorbed into New Conservative? And what are the prospects of Old Libs joining with many Old Labs (of the 'small-scale socialism' Cooperative variety) who are already in the party of the future - the Green Party?

Trying to look on the bright side, the most promising outcome of a New Conservative government might be getting centralised planning development objectives for the South East region off our backs, and with it a chance to bury Oxford's 'Core Strategy' once for all, and start again from scratch with proper consultation with the people of Oxford this time.

Or should we say 'peoples' : Oxford has so many discontinuities in it that there is no such thing as a typical Oxford citizen. Whether Oxford's peoples could ever agree on a coherent vision for our city . . . .

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